Thursday, May 02, 2013

A fresh Start

I just showed myself and my boyfirend my three whole blog posts from 8 years ago and cried laughing.  The fact that they still exist, and, I own a blog called Monkey Business is pretty stellar so therefore I must get this going again so I can cry laughing at myself in another 10 years.   Here goes nothing...see you soon!! Oh and I'll have to update my profile.  Black-eyed Peas no more!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


I can't believe I am still awake. I have been sitting here all day doing basically...nothing. And why you may wonder? Well I'm not going to insinuate that I have groves of excitement on a daily basis and this is just an out-of-the-ordinary day, but seriously, there is NO ONE HERE! I really do not understand why they don't OFFER for us to do half days on days such as this. And the miserable thing is that it will remain like this for the rest of the week. So Katie and I are going to have to be proactive tomorrow and ask if we can each do a half-day on Friday while our oh-so-lovely daytime husbands are in the Hamptons at a 'retreat.' Assholes.

So anyway, I have successfully beaten my own record at MSN's Zuma about 5 times today, so that would have to be my only accomplishment thus far. I also managed to stuff my face on PF Chang's because lunch did not come until 1:00pm today and I had already decided to start in on my arm when thankfully...

Obviously this isn't the best day in 'Hollyland.' So I have decided that in order to make up for this complete waste of a day, I am going to go home and work my ass off.

Here is what you can expect me to be doing (in order)
Put clothes in washer
Exchange straightner (the one that fried my hair off)
Put clothes in dryer
Go run
Fold clothes
Clean apartment

Oohh, that feels good to make an official list! Now I must stick to it!

Here are some new links I've added:

Shake Your Beauty Blog - Maintained by an African American woman, but has great advice and commentary for all. - Has celeb pics you don't see anywhere else!

More tomorrow! Later!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

This is Fun But...

I need to inform my cronies that my blog exists; at least that way I know that my efforts are not completely for self-gratification!

Anyway, in regards to yesterday's post, I spoke with the young woman who used to hold my current position, and she said that I can in fact expect a raise at my review in Feburary. This was not unexpected since I will have worked here for over a year, but you just never know. So at least that issue is laid to rest.

But, lone behold, upon learning this information another issue has arisen: whether to rent a place beginning in November that I can't totally afford currently, but will be able to in Feburary, or to get an apartment I can afford easily now and then have to move again in a year to a nicer place. Here is my reasoning - not only will I be making more money in each paycheck, but I will also be receiving my year-end bonus which should afford me to be able to pay off my credit card debt! This will a decent amount of extra money in my pocket per month as well. And seeing as I have no future desires of buying a car, it seems fitting to use this extra money to upgrade my living accomodations! But then I will have to watch my spending for 3 months, but I can be responsible enough to do that...

So here are a couple links that I think you may enjoy today, or at least will give you some insight to some important and not so important news!

Space Shuttle Lands Safely

Celebrity Gossip!

And...the Word of the Day is PERAMBULATE (v): to walk through; to inspect (an area) on foot.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Up and Running...

Hooray! I have finally found something entertaining and mindful to do while at work!

I be will posting about anything worthwhile that I come across or comes across my mind during my routinely uneventful day - things that you probably missed because you were doing more interesting and fruitful labors during your day. Please, don't envy me.

So anyway, today has been relatively busy, until now.

I decided that when I get my review and bonus this year, which will occur in February of 2006, I am going to take the plunge and ask for a raise. From the advice that I found on-line, it appears that I need to take with me the reasons why I think I deserve a raise and in addition legitimate and recent materials that show the average/median salary for people in my position.

From my research, I found that in the City of Chicago people at the lowest level of an administrative/executive assistant position ON AVERAGE make nearly $3,000 more a year than I do at base level! And technically I am not at the lowest level as I directly support multiple managing directors. Soooo, pair this with the fact that I will have over a year of service and more responsibility, I am expecting to be offered a raise without my encouragment.

We'll see what happens.

And for the fun of it, I want to see if I can write 10 highlights of my day yesterday (Sunday) because 'The Casual Friday' blog is so hilarious!

1. Woke up at 2pm
2. Discovered that the movie 'Cellular' is worth watching.
3. Discovered that Kim Basinger can still act, and plays a damned good MILF (for a guy).
4. Realized that I do not like the Cheesy Twisted Crust Pizza from Pizza Hut...the sausage sucks too. Oh, and the crust wasn't twisted.
5. I CAN live without my cell phone.
6. Broke my previous record for hours sitting in the same spot on a couch.
7. Realized that staying in the clothes that I wore the night before the entire next day saves me a load of laundry a week.
8. Ate a passion fruit italian ice, which was delicous, from a place that I did not know existed.
9. Watched an excellent episode of both Entourage and Ali G, laughed my ass off. Bop Bop!!
10. Realized that I am the laziest person on earth, besides my friend Willy Wonka who has a Sunday nearly everyday :).